It Might Be Chilly, But This is HOT!
Hot off the Press!! Yes, it’s definitely colder than cold here in Ottawa (-30 with the wind). Just this morning I was walking on the Trans-Canada Trail like I do every morning with my dog Luna. It’s become so routine I don’t even stop to think about it, I just do it every day.
This morning was different, I stopped and thought WOW this is amazing! I have all of this at my fingertips and I never even give it a second thought. We hunker down and get through it like good Canadians! Much the same in our daily lives, and our business, we hunker down and get-er-done, we muddle through, but have you ever STOPPED and actually thought about whether you are providing good value for your efforts.
Stop and think about it, what is the PURPOSE of your website? What is your business value proposition? Are you focused ON your business or are you working too much IN your business? What do I mean by this? If your business is to provide a service to a specific market that is where your focus should be, delivering that service, not trying to get the tools in place to make that happen. If you spend time and effort on a task that doesn’t convert directly to revenue then that effort is wasted. Ask yourself, can I really build a website that will make me look professional? Do I really know how to create a compelling email campaign to attract new leads? Do I really want to do the maintenance on my website? Just like I have the Trans-Canada Trail at my fingertips there is tons of talent at your fingertips willing to “get-it-done” for you, make you look like a superstar and allow you to focus on the reason you went into business in the first place.
Find that talent and you will allow yourself the chance to be successful.
About the Author
Website in a Week
Yup, you read that right...1 week! If you're close to getting your website online and need someone to get you to the finish line, this is for you. Let's get it done.